FOGA (Fifty and Over Yoga)


Fifty and Over Yoga, or FOGA, is still on its COVID hiatus but when things get back to normal, here’s how it works:

FOGA is a six-week long series of gentle, safe and simple yoga held in the lower hall at Fort Massey United Church (“The Fort” is on the corner of Tobin and Queen Streets in the South End of Halifax. 5303 Tobin Street, Halifax, Nova Scotia, B3H 1S3. The door to the lower hall is on the Tobin Street side.)

This FOGA series is based on the program for Strength, Balance, Flexibility, and Pain Relief developed by Kimberly Carson and Carol Krucoff at Duke Integrative Medicine/Duke University Medical Center, called “Relax into Yoga for Seniors.”

The 6 WEEKS of FOGA:

  • Week 1: A Foundation for Relieving Tension and Enhancing Flexibility
  • Week 2: Standing Poses for Strength and Balance
  • Week 3: Seated Poses for Alignment, Range of Motion, and Strength
  • Week 4: Balance Poses to Boost Strength and Reduce Fall Risk
  • Week 5: Back Strengthening to Support Healthy Posture
  • Week 6: Core Strengthening to Enhance Spinal Health

About the FOGA yoga classes

FOGA is one of Fort Massey’s regular community events. Each class lasts about 75 minutes, beginning with a brief welcome and a gentle warm-up routine, followed by a mix of postures (asanas) specific to that week’s theme, and ending with the best part: savasana.

How it works

  • IMPORTANT: You must complete the Indri Yoga Student Waiver Form (online or by printing it and bringing it with you) after seeing your healthcare provider and before joining the six-week FOGA program. There are modifications to make most asanas [postures] accessible to most able-bodied yogis but ultimately you’re responsible to ensure you practise within your limits.
  • Yoga classes at Fort Massey United Church are by donation so don’t let a lean spell keep you from coming — we’ve all been there. Pay what you can.
  • It’s best to practise yoga on an empty stomach. Seriously.
  • If you have any other questions email Andrew, ring me on 902-220-1495 or see if the Indri Yoga FAQs page sorts it out for you.

What to bring

  • Bring your own yoga mat (there are about four at Fort Massey if you’re stuck), water, and a gym towel if you’re prone to sweating.
  • It can be cool-ish (18°-ish) in the lower hall in winter so please dress appropriately.